4 Speed And Power Routines To Do At Home
Jul 05, 2023You want to push your athlete to their absolute limits and create a machine, right?
Don’t do that to a youth athlete, especially at an early age. Overtraining is a real thing and can cause more harm than good, physically and mentally.
These simple at home routines will provide some extra training at home when an athlete can’t get enough Parisi training. Each of these routines should be independent of each other and not done on the same day.
The goal is to keep it simple. Practice their anchor drill, then apply it with maximum effort for a set number of reps.
When I provide 10 sprints or 20 jumps, for example, don’t decide to have your child do 30. This will have a negative effect on their nervous system. It will lower the quality of the movement (especially without a coach present.) And it will negatively impact the effort they can put into the movement.
As always, if you have questions about any of these movements or routines, please email us!
Anchor drill + 10 20-30 yard sprints
Perform all variations of the wall drive, then simply sprint! This should be done with maximum effort and proper technique, which was reinforced by the wall drives. 20-30 yard sprints does not mean 100 yard sprints. Work on the quality and effort of the sprint.
Anchor + Line to line change of direction variations
The speed skater is a common anchor drill and can easily be done at home with little space. After you practice the anchor, simply shuffle, side run, or run 5-15 yards and change direction with proper speed skater mechanics before heading back to the starting point. Do 10-15 of these at full effort.
Anchor + 10 Jumps from each side
The anchor drill here is the squat jump. Practice all three variations here. The application is, in a perfect world, 10 jumps toward a basketball rim/net. Just find something you can aim for. Take an approach, get those hips low and jump as high as you can to hit the target. Do 10 jumps from one side, then 10 from the other.
Anchor + 3 sets of 5 Broad Jumps
Take the video above and apply the same mechanics to a broad jump, which is simply a jump moving forward. Make sure the knees stay aligned with your toes and do not cave in together. Always aim to go as far as you can while landing the jump on just two feet (and not losing balance.) To make this more challenging, you can do rapid-fire, consecutive jumps. Do these after your 3 sets of 5, and do 3-4 more sets of 3 rapid-fire jumps.